Monday, June 19, 2006

Do you know this vegetable?


Do you know this vegetable? And no, it's not Lady's finger. ;-)


  1. Hurray!!! I get to comment first. Its Kohlrabi, Isn't it? I was wondering about this vegetable for a while. So What are you gonna prepare with this Vaishali?

  2. of course it is not a lady's finger. it is a baby's finger!!

  3. It is called Navalkol in Marathi.

  4. Isin't it called a Turnip? In tamil it is Nulkal..

  5. Are those kohlrabi leaves? hmmm...what are you gonna do with those?

  6. Hi,
    I visited your blog few days ago when looking for sanwich...
    in kannada its called "Navelu kosu" I don't know in english.We make raita out with this.
    I would like to ask ur permission u add your blog name to my new blog

  7. I pass. :(
    I have seen it somewhere, in TV I guess. I didn't know its name and still don't know.How do you cook it?
    Cute baby hands!

  8. Hi,
    As Madhu said it is called 'navilu kosu' in kannada, and I add it to sambhars along with other veggies. Never made anything out of it as a main ingredient though. Can't wait to know what u r going to make......

  9. Finally one I could have guessed! Kohlrabi is one vegetable that intimidates me. I'm late to the guessing game, but also can't wait to see what you make with it :)

  10. It seems to be turnip to me as I haven't heard of kohlrabi :)
    nice blog out here and am going to add to my list :)

  11. Well I sure am late as usual..:(

    Kohlrabi !! Its available here in plenty, use it for sambar sometimes.

  12. Everyone has said it and I will repeat again,its Kohlrabii.

  13. I dont know this it looks like the 'Noolkohl' that we used to get plenty in our hostel sambar...May be 'Noolkohl' is the Telugu name for it...

  14. Knol Kohl/Kohlrabi - nool kol in Tamil.


  15. Hope I am not late in the guessing game.. its kohlrabi

  16. Man I am always late for the fun! Its knol if it matters after the hundredth guess :-(
    Just looooove your little cutie's little finger

  17. It looks like our bottle gourd to me :-), Love those pictures. :-)

  18. Arre yaar it is that boring naval kohl which probably is eaten mostly by the bhaajiwalaas themselves as no one buys that dull and drab veggie.

  19. Thank you ALL for participating. It was fun to read all your comments.

    Vegan Knitting, welcome to my blog. I checked out yours, and it is interesting. Just like you have never used cooked Kohlrabi, I have never used it uncooked. Blogging does widen our horizons, doesn't it?

    Anupama, hahahahaha...That was a mean (Grrr...) but funny comment. See you around more often.

  20. It is called Khol Rabi and it is very rich in vitamins and anti oxidents. It belongs to the same family as cabbages ie Brassica species. In south India we make sambhar with it by cutting it into 0.5 thick slices and adding it. It can be added to cabbages to make sambhar as well. It is called navilu kosu as in Kannada kosu means cabbage and the upper leafy strucuture resembles the plume of the peacock whihc is called as Navilu in Kannada. If you want to prevent cancer and add fibre to your diet use this vegitalbe as it is cheap and very rich in antioxidents.

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  22. Hi there I Diablo III items actually don't see this veg a lot the united states.This really is certainly greatly a straightforward menu..It's my job to carryDiablo 3 Gold kaufen out clothing curry curry similarly..

  23. Kohlrabi is a winter crop and a staple vegetable of the northern region of India.

    Kohlrabi is a member of Brassica family - the same family of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, collard greens and Brussels sprouts. The scientific name of this vegetable is Brassica Oleracea.

    The common names of kohlrabi are German Turnip, cabbage, turnip, Knol-knol, Ganth Gobhi (गांठ गोभी), ganthi Kobi,

  24. This is 'Navilu Kosu' in Kannada(others have already mentioned its name in different parts of India.
    Let me tell you the usage:
    This can be used as same as Radish/carrot but it doesnt have strong aroma/flavor as the other two vegetables.
    can be used in salads,
    mix vegetables sabzi,
    Grate it and put tadka and add it as kosambari(a side dish),
    Can be used to stuff in parathas,

    Its highly recommended for Diabetes patients bcoz of its qualities.

  25. It’s called Shalgom in Bengali. I cook it with Mutton or Chicken. The curry tastes really good! You can find this in most Bengali groceries.

  26. We called it turnip. I am living in India and we are called turnip in marathi with different name.
