Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Unbeatable Root # 1 : Beetroot Tomato Cucumber Raita


A lifebuoy in a boat? :)

One big misconception that got cleared in mind about two years back is that beetroot contains lots of iron. Just like almost everybody else around me, I too used to think beetroot would be a great weapon against Anaemia. But nope, it isn't. It has lots of goodness in it, but no iron.
Like it has Folate in it. A nutrient that is of utmost importance just before and after conception. And a lot of fiber, which is of great importance throughout one's life.

The recipe that I have got for you today includes two more virtuous vegetables - cucumber and tomato. Healthy? No doubt. My own recipe idea? No d...... No. :) The original recipe is by Tarla Dalal. But it's a great one, I tell you. Have a look.


Recipe for Beetroot Tomato Cucumber Raita

Serves 4.


1 cup fresh yogurt, beaten
1 beetroot, boiled and cut into cubes
1 cucumber, chopped
1 large tomato, chopped
2 tbsp roasted, skinned, coarsely crused peanuts
1 green chilli, chopped
2 tbsp grated fresh or dessicated coconut (optional; I use seldom.)
1 tsp sugar
salt to taste

1 tbsp oil
1 tsp cumin seeds
a pinch asafoetida

coriander leaves for garnishing


1. Mix all ingredients in the first list (upto salt).
2. Heat oil in a Tadka ladle. Take the ladle off the heat and add cumin seeds. Once they splutter, add the asafoetida.
3. Let the Tadka cool a little, then add it to the Raita and mix it well.

Serve with Parathas for brunch or as an accompaniment to any meal.

By the way, this dish has had a 100% success rate at my place so far. None of the times that I have made it when entertaining guests, have I had to put any leftovers back into the fridge. (I make it so complicated!! I could have just said that the bowl is polished off clean. Any idea where you can take Creative Writing classes, Guys?)


  1. Great looking Raita.Very festive and appropriate for Christmas!!
    I know,we don't have Xmas and still enjoy the buzz!:D

  2. It really is a lovely raita. I make mine with just the beets...the onions and cucumber must add a nice crunch. What a beautiful strawberry-colour it becomes!

  3. Love your first pic and that caption ... so funny ! Will surely try this.

  4. I like your writing - makes me smile :)
    Your recipe sounds yummy and I will try it for sure...I believe the best way to consume beets is raw - with minimal cooking - boiled/grated, rather than mixing with contrasting flavors!
    Beets do contain iron - a significant amount (per vegetarian standards) and they are a solution against anemia - the kind of anemia caused by folate deficiency.....pls check the nutritiondata.com for source.

  5. gorgeous pictures! I'm happy to find a new recipe for beets.

  6. Wow! Vaishali, great caption and photo! I love beets curry with curd rice. If I love that I should like this too.Will try for sure

  7. Lovely raita vaishali. Looks very refreshing. Nice boat shaped dish you have there.

  8. hai vaishali

    great recipe.i never know that we can add beetroot for raitha.thanks for sharing.

  9. Great raita..should try this time.and nice colors and photography.Thanks for sharing

  10. Vaishali, great raita, a must try...thanks for sharing...~smile~

  11. That looks great, Vaishali! Very colorful and healthy too! And hey, no creative writing classes required, methinks! You write so well!! :)

  12. This seems to be a different recipe. I never though of adding beetroot to raita. Will try it out.

  13. Hi Vaishali, I have been reading ur blog for quite some time now...I find it very interesting. I tried to look out for you email id but did not find one.

  14. A lifebuoy in a boat? :-) :-) :-)
    Beautiful Photograph ! The blue bowl is very pretty!

  15. Hey Vaishali! Beet salad is a huge favorite with us, too! Lifebouy? Not!

    I like to toss in other veggies, like you have done, too! I grate the beet and add grated carrots, too. The beets here are a little sweeter than the beets in India, at least that's what I have found.

    I love the raita with phodni! Esp if there is a red chilli in it. My daughter loves it with the 'crunchies' (urad dal). Yum! Yum! Your fabulous picture has me drooling, despite the lifebouy reference!

    Are you sure about beets not having iron? My mother couldn't take iron supplements and was advised to have as much as she could by way of dietary supplements to bring her hemoglobin levels up. And beet was one of prescribed veggies/roots. If I am not mistaken, even ayurveda says that beet has iron. Don't have any references for you though.

  16. Arrrgghhh this is my third attempt at commenting!
    Gorgeous color of the raita. And loved your pun on the photo ;-)
    Cheers, Ashwini

  17. Vaish, there are two things you dont need - cooking classes, and creative writing classes. :) You could, however, teach those classes to the aspiring masses...

  18. Festive it sure is, Asha. :)

    It's a beautiful colour, I agree, Anita, but onions?? Do you mean tomatoes?

    Thanks, Krithika. *grin*

    @ and Manisha, let me please do more research on whether beets have significant amounts of iron or not. I'll change the write-up, in case what you say is true. Thanks for pointing it out, Guys.

    Thanks, Catherine. :)

    Beets curry with curd rice? Now that's something I want to try out, Lakshmiammal.

    Anupama and Priya S&S, so you mean to say that the money I shelled out for this dish is worth it? Thanks ya. :)

    Beetroot is great for Raitas, Swapna & Lakshmik. I am gonna come up with at least one more recipe for that. :)

    Thank you, Meena.

    Try it out, Dilip. You'll like it.

    You really think so, Vani? :)

    Manjusha, my e-mail id can be found in my Blogger profile. In case not, it is
    I'll look forward to your mail. :)

    Manisha, please see my reply to @ regarding the iron content. As for your way of making beet Raita, I am sure gonna try it with red chillis and Urad dal. Thanks for sharing it here. :)

    Is Blogger stressing you out, Ashwini? BEHAVE, Blogger!!!

    Thanks for the compliments, Shammi. I asked for them, didn’t I ?!

  19. *Raising my hand* for the creative writing class, if you are offering one. Am not a big fan of beets, but I should try this one - it looks so pretty and I love raitas of any kind.

  20. The raita looks delicious, the colors gorgeous. Will definitely try this one... after the holidays :) Happy Holidays!

  21. The pun went totally bouncer on me until Ashwini pointed it out! I was so consumed by memories and the (awful) smell of Lifebouy that I couldn't see/think any further! We once bought a packet of pohe that were stored right next to some Lifebuoy for some reason. After cooking, the pohe smelt and tasted like Lifebouy.

    Must say that, like Anita, I thought your raita had onions in it. The chopped cucumber look like they could be onions. And, actually, finely chopped onions make a great addition to a beet raita. Try it!

    As for creative writing classes: you're the queen of word play!

  22. Lovely Raita Vaishali!!!! and I like your sense of humor!!!! I think you r the last person who needs lessons in writing :P


  23. That's a lovely raita, might be very yummy

  24. Wonderful raita, New for me adding beetroot to raita. Will try it!!

    Happy Holidays!!

  25. I was probably imagining the raita while commenting...and it may be I who adds the onions sometimes!! and it crept in :)

    Which means your picture brings the subject to life!!

  26. Super Raita and speechless photography. Mast Swad, Jhakaas photo yahi hai tumhaare blog ka motto!!
    Nice to be back here.
    -The Real Anon

  27. Merry Christmas and a fab New Year to you and your family...~smile~

  28. Ek chotishi farmaish- Sardi ke mausaum ke liye khuch garamagaram khana ho jaye!!

  29. Sure's gonna be a crowd pleaser for home parties. Love the colour in it ! Very nice... thanks 4 the recipe :)

  30. i like your blog name! :D hehe it made me laugh.

  31. I am going to take your word and make this. Beetroot have no iron? That's news to me. Love the ideas for the new series. You don't need writing classes, you could actually give a few. You write so funny and I just love it!!

  32. Hi my dear unbeatable Vaish! Have a boisterous new year!

  33. Nice recipe using beets and awesome looking pictures, Vaishali.

    May the new year usher in happiness and blessings to you and your family!

    Happy New Year!!


  34. Wishing peace, health, and happiness in 2007 and always. Happy New year to you and your family !


  36. Hi Vaishali,great looking Raith!

    Wish you and your family a Very Very Happy New Year 2007!

  37. May This New Year Bring Good Health, Happiness And Prosperity To You And Your near and Dear ones.

  38. Hi Vaishali!

    Wish you and your family a very happy new year!


  39. Hi Vaishali
    Happy New Year and what a healthy Raita to start the new year

  40. More on Beetroots


  41. Hi Vaishali...lovely recipe. Pleasure reading and great presentation. I will prepare this over the weekend.

  42. Hey Vaishali

    Beetroot raitha looks realllllly yummmmy. Good to know that you have given credit to Tarla Dalal as it is her recipe. I wld like to share the recipe of beetroot kootu given by chitvish


    Goes well with both rice and parathas

  43. Hi Vaishali, I love anything with beets, and your post looks very interesting. Beet lends its colour and richness to whichever dish it is a part of, and I like the way it looks in your pics. Creative writing…that's such a funny ending to your post J.

  44. nice raitha
    i too thought it has iron ,ur post enlightened me
    thank u

  45. This recipe seems to promote the saying ‘eat healthy to stay healthy’. You seem to have gotten the exact right mix of ingredients to gain that divine flavour and taste, while at the same time making sure that none of the vital nutrients are lost. Today, with more and more lifestyle related diseases like obesity and diabetes plaguing us Indians, this recipe is great to make at home, not to mention cater to our taste buds! For more expert tips and suggestions on healthy eating habits, check out http://knorratseven.blogspot.com/.

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  56. None of the times that I have made it when entertaining guests, have I had to put any leftovers back into the fridge. (I make it so complicated!! I could have just said that the bowl is polished off clean.

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