Nobody has asked me these questions before - apart from myself. But I think it makes an impressive title.
What is this blog?
I would call it the Bhappi Lahiri of food blogs. It may not always have something new. However, it may have many ideas lifted from other blogs, which I would like to call ‘inspiration’.
Then why am I blogging?
Because I am just too inspired by some fellow bloggers like Nupur, Shammi, Indira, SaffronHut to not have a blog of my own.
Who am I?
I am a Maharashtrian (born Deshpande – Now how much more Maharashtrian can you get?) married to a Konkani. My cooking is influenced greatly by my mother and my mother-in-law (and theirs by their mothers and MILs and so on…). Which means that this blog will mainly feature Maharashtrian and Konkani dishes. I like to try my hand at international cuisine as well, but my repertoire of that is rather limited, which is also because I am a vegetarian.
More about me
I have a 16-month old daughter, who tries to speak Marathi, Konkani, German and English all at the same time and ends up bringing out noises which cannot be said to be belonging to any particular language. However, she is perhaps the only honest person around me, because she refuses to eat practically everything cooked by me.
Why the name ‘Happy Burp’?
In India, I think, burping is not about feeling guilty. On the contrary, it is about being content with the food that you have eaten and about giving the hosts a compliment. For example, you will always see a smile on the faces of the women in my family, when somebody gives out (intentionally or unintentionally) a nice, hearty, loud burp after a meal.
When used figuratively in Marathi, a burp again signifies contentment (Trupti chi/cha dhekar). This blog is supposed to bring contentment to me and to my dear readers, (using plural already, huh? High hopes!) hence the name. Don't you think it rocks?
Hey this sure looks like a cool blog with hot ideas......
jhakaas idea ... the blog. i know one lady who is going to curse you ... because she will now have to make metkoot at home :)
Thanks, Anon.
Thanks, sp. Do I know you?
Hey..that's interesting! Looking forward to some more such creative blogs from you...
Loved this post :) REALLY looking fwd to konkani/maharashtrian recipes... what fun!
Gauri, thank you.
Shammi, I somehow knew that you'd like this post. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks, Santhi. Oh yes, I am looking forward to all the fun.
A very warm welcome to the world of blogging.
Thanks for dropping by, Pushpa. I could really do with some warmth here.
Nice write up. Found ur site interesting. Iam a newbie.. I have added to u to my blogger's list.
visit me when u are free.
Do add me to ur blogger's list if u like mine
Nice blog Vaishali tai!!!!
Priy Vaishali,
Khoop chhan vatalA tujha blog baghoon. Me pan assal Maharashtrian...Adnav Kale. Kobra ;)...aani mala pan cooking chi khoop aawad...you have inspired me to start a blog of my own. Let's see how far I can go..
Thanks aani Ganapati Bappa Morya!!
I just surfed into your blog and found it very interesting. I am a working women but I love cooking new dishes for my family.
I really like the way you decorate food and present it.
One more thing is that I was also in germany for a year so kind of attachment.......
Anyways keep posting new recipies
Nice blog. I liked your sweet introduction
Vaishali with all the traditional stuff you post I never pictured you like in the photo. You are much younger.
Wow! I like your analogy with the popular musician :). Your style of writing is refreshing and spontaneous. well, as you have candidly expressed, many women are in that balancing zone - and thats what makes a superwoman i guess! Looking forward to many more interesting posts in times to come.
Nice Work Vaishali. I am creating a indian food & recipe portal, would like to get your help & contribution from you. Please contact offline (fooddb@gmail.com). Thank you
Hi Vaishali!
Very interesting. Enjoy reading all your recipe. Thank you.
Your latest entry dates from March this year. I hope you have not given up writing your lovely blog.
I posted a comment on your June 29 2006 post about Ox Heart tomatoes.
Hope to read you again soon.
Hi you have a great blog. and your FAQs are cool.
Hi Vaishali!
I am a regular reader of your blog.I din't see any latest posts these days.I have been checking every now and then abt any new posts.Because by now,its really been a while without new posts and Also I could not find any email link of yours,So,Iam commenting here.Iam missing your recipes.Do come out with something and I hope everything is going on fine.
Vaishali, have really enjoyed the blogs written by you here. Would like to extend an invitation to also post some of your reviews about restaurants in Pune on CitiPals.com. We believe we are the first site to cover Pune from a "foodie" perspective ( other than bloggers like you of course ;-> ).
We are in the process of launching. You can read some articles here http://www.alootechie.com/news/2728.asp
Of course, feel free to ping me ashish @ citipals dot com
Hi Vaishali
I liked your blog very much...
I am also a Puneri though settled abroad..!
I like to get as much information about Pune as I can to cure my home sickness...
I will be visiting Pune after 2 years..
Looking forward to tasting real food again..=D
Marz-o-rin, Kayani, Joshi Wadewale..hmmmm
Thanks for your wonderful blog...
Can you please tell me the translation of "Trupti chi/cha dheka"?
Very nice blog. Will be moving to Dusseldorf this month from Houston. I hope to visit this blog often to get inspired to cook Indian food in Germany!
Please post one of our indian recipes website i.e. http://www.indiabite.com
Came to your blog while looking for the recipe of "Methamba".
I like the description in your profile - "somewhere between a career-minded power-woman and a house-proud ‘ghareloo’ homemaker"
I thought I was the only confused one :-)
HI, Nice blog. I recently saw your article on Shakkarpara copied and posted in another site - word for word. Just wanted to let you know.
now im a big fan of u.lokking forward to new recipies (obviously on mw ).........
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Khoop Chhan vatalA tujha Blog baghoon. Me schwenken assal Maharashtrian ... Adnav Kale. Kobra;) ... AANI mala pan Kochen chi khoop aawad ... Sie haben mich dazu inspiriert, einen Blog zu meiner eigenen zu starten. Mal sehen, wie weit ich gehen kann ..
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