She made these at home for the first time. All worth the effort, I am sure. :-)

It is less of a dish and more of an achievement.

Apparently, a regular feature at her mother's home in the hot summer months.

Now, what do you like more? The preparation or the pan or the photograph? :-)

Visit her post not just for the recipe but also for a few quotes and anecdotes.

You have seen recipes by mothers and mothers-in-law, but how many have you seen by fathers-in-law? Not many? Well, here's one.

For those who thought that potatoes are more for celebrations: Think again! Potatoes also belong to the plate when you are recuperating. Especially when the taste-buds need to be brought back to life...

This one will be great if paired with Jowar Rotis, I feel. A humble, healthy yet hearty meal that'd be.
Main Dishes

That's curry and rice in one!
Salads / Side dishes

Did you know of a variey called Nicola Potatoes? And that they are waxy? Well, now you do! :-)

Potato Salad with Red Bell Peppers...hmmmm....Interesting!

The stuffing is potato!

The recipe is explained only in three steps. Too easy to be true? :-)

A combination of diverse ingredients.
Snacks / Starters

A traditional Maharashtrian fasting-snack. Of course, you don't necessarily have to be fasting to enjoy this one!

Deliciously pretty!

Apparently, potatoes have never been a favourite in her home. There are exceptions to every rule!

Desserts !

How do we decide who is versatile? The dish or its creator?

A good-looking dessert. And rather guilt-free too!
Is there a Part 3 or this is it?
If this is it, then I am jinxed. :-(
Wow Vaishali
Thanks for the wonderfull roundup.
So many recipes down in my list.
Nice round-up Vaishali!!
Manisha, no, your entry is not jinxed. It just has to wait longer. :-(
A Part 3 is very much there. It is as big as (or even bigger than) the earlier two.
Roopa, Jyothsna, thank you for the nice words. :-)
Ooh.. thank goodness there's a Part 3. I was beginning to feel so left out and forgotten and lonely! :)
WOW!! Some more spuds!:)))
Good ones again,thanks.
That's a wonderful round-up Vaishali..Thanks for including my entry..Till then, eagerly waiting for Part III:)
Hi Vaishali,
Nice round up. I thought I had sent u my entry.. didn't I send u my malai kofta recipe?.. I think I must have somehow missed it . never mind ...
Vaishali, you must be buried in potato dishes there!! Round up parts 1 and 2 are lovely -- am sure 3 will take the potato cake. Thanks for all your hard work putting them all together in one place :)
Hope my enty is also included in Part 3
Great round up,Vaish!you have done an excellent job.:)
Is there any more parts? Mine is missing. :D
there is part 3 also? ~whistle~
when is part III coming ?
great collection...thanks for the round up....~smile~
Thats a good treat for a potato lover like me...
Wow--now I'm full.
Hi Vaishali,
i love ur blog, helped a lot in my learning marathi receipes. just wanted to inform u that one site is using ur puranpoli pic as their own
pls ck
Hi Vaishali,
You have a great blog here!
But one request, could you please set up a recipe index listing the dishes according to their names,for example, upma, puranpoli, etc.
where are u ?
where r u vaish?
Vaishali - you haven't surfaced from the potatoes yet! What were you thinking - thinking up potatoes for JFI! :-D
Hope to see you soon!
where are you ? we are all worried
Vaishali, where are you? The Boss being nasty? :-D
Hi Vaishali,
I love ur blog. You have amazing recipes & take some really good pix. One request though ... could you please have some kind of an index for ur recipes. It really is difficult to locate something when needed.
Hope you get back to blogging soon.
where areyou?
waiting for you
why havent you been writing for so long...
Hi Vaishali, long time no post. Hope you'll get time to write soon.
Hi vaishali,
Good stuff!!I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now.I recently got married and moved to the US , am cooking independently for the first time in my life!!Never thought that one could crave for simple homemade maharashtrian food soo much(something we take for granted in India)and came across your blog while searching for recipes.The best part is that the recipes are simple,succinct and easy to follow and extremely well written I must say.Keep up the good work.Since I recently got here,I still havent managed to find all the ingredients which we use in our day to day cooking and have to make do with readily available vegetables at the local grocer...in India it was beyond imagination that saadhi mod aaleli matki seems like a delicay here.The photography is astounding as well and I would like to say once again,cant emphasise enough on that--the BEST part is the simplicity of the delicious recipes,easy to follow and reproduce and of course tasty,perfect for novice cooks like me.
Vaish girl where are you? Give us a quick holler even if you are busy
Nice post Vaishali.....A neat round-up dear :-)
Vaishali, where are you? Missing you here!
how come you are missing in action?
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I always enjoy coming to your blog. Where are you?
what happened, vaishali, no update for a long time. I hope, everything is fine from your side.-teju
Where the fuck are you bitch? Did you die or what?
Savani Katike
where areyou?
waiting for you
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During this time, censorship and school regulations discouraged film-viewing by children, so anime which could possess educational value were supported and encouraged by the Monbusho (the Ministry of Education). This proved important for producers that had experienced obstacles releasing their work in regular theaters. Animation had found a place in scholastic, political and industrial use.
In the 1930s, the Japanese government began enforcing cultural nationalism. This also lead to a strict censorship and control of published media. Many animators were urged to produce animations which enforced the Japanese spirit and national affiliation.
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Elegant, Sophisticated, Flattering ... Bridesmaid Dresses Your Maids Will Be Wearing To Parties Long After Your Wedding Day
Your besties are important to you - and that's why you've asked these phones be your bridesmaids and share in your wedding day.
So you're hardly will make them wear wedding dresses that do not flatter - ask your curvy girlfriend to go with a bias cut number that will do her no favors. Or your less well-endowed friend to put on a strapless number that frankly makes her chest seem like an empty envelope.
Oh no. You're a real friend, not really a bridezilla and you are going to allow them to choose dresses that actually flatter and suit them - maybe just tie in the wedding theme with colors but leave the design and style, necklines, and length as much as them
Bridesmaids Dresses For Partying
Now why not go a measure further and suggest some dresses that the bridesmaids love SO much, they are likely to be dying to put on them over and over after your special day and celebrations are gone. Dresses that appear to be so good, they're likely to be on full show in the next party season.
In which case you have to look at frocks such as the ones above that do not shout 'bridesmaid dress'.
Think concerning the occasions they may be worn for later on. Dessy's floral print frocks are available in some styles - spaghetti straps and strapless and different colorways. Perfect for afternoon parties or summer evenings.
Then should you go for a dark, deep color inside a rich fabric, you will get more of a night time dress look. Add a diamante detail in the waist or around the shoulder for many glitzy glamor. Here you have to think about colors like black, midnight blue, forest green, berry shades, aubergine ...
Mind you, referring to glitzy glamor, you can examine out Dessy's new sequinned separates in rose gold, and five other colorways, in addition to dazzling champagne bridesmaid dresses.
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As I delved into her blog, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer variety and creativity displayed in every recipe. Her homemade breakfast and brunch dishes, made for the first time, are a testament to dedication and effort. The curries, a staple from her mother's summer repertoire, evoke nostalgia and warmth. What stands out is the father-in-law's unique contribution, offering a delightful twist on traditional recipes. Whether it's the humble yet hearty potato dishes, paired perfectly with Jowar Rotis, or the simple yet flavorful potato salad with red bell peppers, each dish promises a delightful culinary journey. The easy-to-follow recipes, like the three-step stuffed potatoes, are a boon for busy cooks. Her soups blend diverse ingredients harmoniously, while the traditional Maharashtrian fasting-snacks offer a flavorful treat anytime. And the desserts? They not only look good but are guilt-free too! Each post is a treasure trove of anecdotes, quotes, and culinary wisdom, making her blog a must-visit for anyone looking to explore the world of home cooking.
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